A loan helped to support her in buying more cereals for milling.

Beatrice's story

Beatrice, 54, is a humble widow who is blessed with four children. She also supports her nephews and nieces. Beatrice is wonderful, and brings cheer to all her customers as they come to shop from her, which helps her customers keep coming back.

She runs a cereal milling station and also sells cereals for a living. Her business brings her joy in running, as she is able to make quick decisions by herself without having to go through other people. This keeps the business moving fast.

She is kindly requesting a loan that will help her to increase her stock to boost her sales. She has proposed to pay back her loan using the profits she makes.

Her dream is to educate her children and to support her family.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details