A loan helped to buy food supplies.

Maribel's story

A charismatic, hard-working and responsible woman, Maribel has worked hard managing her own business for around a year. She has done this with the help of her husband and some saved up money; this was how she opened her grocery shop.

With a desire to make her business profitable, Maribel is knocking on the door at MiCredito, with Kiva's support, to expand the range of merchandise that she sells. Maribel will use this loan to buy basic grains, fizzy drinks, meats, cold meats and more in order to offer different and well-liked brands to her loyal customers.

Maribel's vision for the future is for her grocery shop to become a miscellany that is well-known in the main town where she lives.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to establish formal credit and create financial stability for themselves.

Loan details

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