A loan helped to repair a tractor and buy farming tools and equipment, seeds, manure and other essentials for a farming business.

Beda's story

Farming and agriculture are the source of our food supply. Arguably the most important aspect of agriculture is that it’s the source of any country's food supply. In countries dealing with food insecurity and severe malnourishment, it’s because their agriculture sectors are suffering. When agriculture thrives, fewer people go hungry.

As a developing nation, Fiji is blessed with natural resources and citizens who still live harmoniously with nature. From the Indo-Fijians that lease Indigenous owned land for sugar cane and vegetable farming to the youths in villages starting a Kava planting program to fund the purchase of a village carrier, Fijians of all races can flood the municipal markets with the freshest of what nature offers.

Beda comes from a farming background and hopes to follow in her forefathers' footsteps. She needs a loan to purchase farming tools and equipment, seeds and manure, and also to pay for the repairs needed to get their tractor fully operational once again.

The hard working mother is self assured that her business will be profitable as there is more awareness on eating healthy to combat lifestyle diseases that has become a major problem.

Beda hopes that her business can contribute to the fight for a healthier Fiji.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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Lenders and lending teams

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