Angelica and her family live in the city of Calceta, where the primary income is agriculture, raising animals, trade, and making crafts with mocora straw, cotton, and a variety of sweets with a base of egg and dairy products.
Angelica's financial situation turned complicated since the school where she sells ice-creams is closed and she is selling from her house. Her parents are elderly and need financial help. The business has dropped significantly. She also sells Yanbal products (beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes, and women's accessories) two to three hours a day and delivers to the customers who request it. She leaves the products on credit and collects payments weekly.
The health crisis hurt Angelica since she could not sell. But now, little by little, she is reactivating her sales. This loan is to buy makeup, jewelry, deodorants, shampoo, etc. Her dream is for her family not to get sick and for her business to keep growing.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Soledad Merlo. View original language description.