A loan helped to purchase a delivery van to reach more customers who could not previously afford clean drinking water.

Mary's story

Mary started working with Jibu in June 2020. Jibu has been like a dream come true for her because she got her own business to run. From her own words, she says ”Jibu has given me, my employees and retailer customers an opportunity to work with an already established company."

For the last few months that her franchise has been operating, she hires a delivery van to be able to supply to her retail customers. Sometimes she fails to get the van and it causes a delay of deliveries and it is also expensive for places that are really far. A loan will help her purchase a delivery van that will support her to reach more customers and also improve the delivery services.

Jibu is a social enterprise that is pioneering a powerful new model that capitalizes and equips entrepreneurs in emerging market communities to own businesses that ensure access to basic human necessities, with water as an anchor product. The company’s vision is to train, finance, and grow a network of invested business owners like Mary, who will revolutionize the way critical resources are leveraged to develop essential infrastructure in emerging markets.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurs grow their client base and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details