A loan helped a member purchase merchandise.

Sartawi Group's story

At one of the Communal Associations of Pro Mujer Exaltación, the Sartawi Communal Association which means "to lift" meets every two weeks. This Association is made up of 8 members who are happy, dynamic and charismatic. One of the members is Juana who is 35 years old, married and has three children. For the past two years she has worked selling diverse products according to the season. Juana is well organized in order to take care of her children as well as her business. She plans to acquire more merchandise with the loan. She travels to Perú to acquire diverse products to later sell them at different fairs in the city of El Alto.

Juana is pleased with the attention at the office.

Her fellow workers also need the loan to expand their businesses.

In this group: Juana, Luisa, Grisel, Marithza, Fabiola, Blanca, Estefania, Mabel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sue Haynes.

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