A loan helped pay rent for my commercial kitchen space and purchase ingredients.

Quezita's story

I was born and raised in Baltimore City and have always had a passion for the culinary industry. As a little girl, I loved watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks. I have always felt that cooking is truly an art of expression. I decided to learn more and started school at Baltimore International College to improve my culinary skills. While there, I had the amazing opportunity to intern with Disney and share my talent with people from around the world. From this, I was inspired to become an entrepreneur and now I am actually doing it.

When I am baking, I get the chance to express myself and share my gifts with others. I feel a sense of peace while baking and it has become incredibly therapeutic for me. I am lucky to share this love of food with my son who also has culinary training and together, we will build this business. I believe food is very powerful in how it impacts our daily lives and I hope that my baking will nourish and bring people together--one sweet bite at a time!

This loan is special because:

It helps a woman-owned business overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.

Loan details

About SugaQByDesigns,llc

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: sugaq.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details