A loan helped to provide last-mile solar powered electricity to rural, low-income households in Kenya.

Pawame's story

Once the sun falls in Kenya over 70% of the population are without electricity. Two million rural families are forced to resort to dangerous kerosene lanterns, rely on friends to charge their phones, and live without access to consistent power for homework, cooking, and entertainment.

Pawame, a Kenyan solar home system distribution and financing company, was founded in 2016 to change that reality by offering modern, high-quality solar home systems on affordable payment plans. Pawame’s solutions allow customers to save money and increase productivity by starting work earlier in the morning or later at night. Eighty-two percent of customers said their lives have “very much improved” since purchasing their Pawame solar home system.

Pawame reaches some of Kenya’s most underserved areas through a network of 250 sales agents operating across 14 counties. The company has provided solar power solutions to over 80,000 individuals and enabled over $5.5 million in additional income for customers who have replaced over 18,000 in kerosene lamps and avoided 32,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

This loan of $200,000 will be used to provide solar products with flexible payment plans, implement health insurance, and provide customer support in the wake of COVID-19. It is Pawame’s second loan through Kiva’s Social Enterprise program. View their previous loan here and this short video.

This loan is special because:

With a long and complicated supply chain, and the need to sell on credit, Pawame must have capital up front to prevent delays in inventory purchases and selling activities in the first half of 2021.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details