Señor José Armengol L. P. is 37 years of age. He is married, with 3 adolescent children. They live in the populous neighborhood Medardo Andino. His wife is dedicated to agriculture. His children support their parents in the work of the home and the farm. For 11 years they have been dedicated to the cultivation of pithaya (fruit of a variety of cactus, also known as dragon fruit).
Among the daily tasks that he must perform are plowing, raking, marking lines and making holes for planting, weeding and eliminating pests and diseases that affect the soil and damage the crop. This production process is very costly, since it is necessary to buy many chemical supplies to fertilize the soil. And this has been one of the main problems that he has had, namely the lack of financing, which prevents him from purchasing supplies and agricultural materials to provide better maintenance to their lands. This is the reason for the loan. For a moderate period, It will provide him the possibility of improving their economic condition. Above all he is concerned that his older son is studying at the university and the fees they have kept him from completing some semesters. Therefore he hopes to support him to improve his standards of living for the welfare of his family.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer B Brown. View original language description.