A loan helped a member to buy and sell typical clothing.

El Rosario Group's story

The members of this group are from Sumpango. Their representative is Irma Florencia, who is married and the mother of a family. She works selling traditional clothing. In addition, in her free time, she embroiders "güipiles" [typical blouses].

Her greatest dream is to open a clothing store, to no longer expose herself [to contagion] when she goes out into the streets to sell. Also, now she always has to carry the clothing.

She needs funds to be able to buy more merchandise to offer variety to her clients. There is much competition, and if she does not have stock, she will not have clients. She is grateful to Kiva for the help provided.

In this group: Celia Herlinda, Alicia, Aricema Beatriz, Irma Florencia, Marlin Yolanda, Lidia Antonieta, Magda Leticia, Maria Ofelia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

The Field Partner is a leader in women's empowerment in Guatemala.

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