A loan helped a father and an entrepreneur build and scale a rideshare business.

Jon-Pierre's story

Growing up in an urban environment, I watched my parents work hard, but still struggle to provide a structure for generational wealth for myself and my siblings. That struggle empowered a work ethic and resolve that would drive me to ensure different for my children. I learned early on the discipline required for sacrifice and the rewards of persistence despite obstacles we will face on our perspective journeys.

My journey led me to Howard University where I discovered and cultivated a love for culture as well as a penchant for the community. Howard surrounded me with visionaries, leaders, advisors, and contemporaries that would indelibly change my life. I learned that everyone had a story to tell that could help positively change the trajectory of someone's life.

Soon after graduation, while in grad school I learned that the mother of my child was returning to her hometown of Los Angeles to give birth to our son. Subsequently, I then moved to a new city where I had a very limited network and even scarcer resources. Determined not to be set by the same strifes as my parents, I decided I would use my degree to provide for my family. I was making a decent living when I lost my job in 2012.
I then started a jewelry company, and as a result of needing to take photos of inventory, I bought a DSLR. This would change my life.

That purchase opened the door for me to travel the world as a photographer capturing events such as the Coachella and New York Fashion Wee and for clients such as the NBA and CBS to name a few.

These experiences helped me to realize the power of story and recognize my gift in helping to curate those stories with my eyes. Started in 2012, Psuché was born out of necessity frankly. After having lost my job, my eye and the creativity to express what I was seeing was the only thing that kept me afloat. It empowered my vision and the vision of others.

This loan is special because:

It supports a starting entrepreneur to create their dream business.

Loan details

About BMW Consulting

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details