A loan helped launch a venture in liquid and bar soap production.

Patience's story

Patience is a 24-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her parents and siblings in the Garu Tempane district of Ghana. She is requesting a Kiva loan to launch a venture in liquid and bar soap production. She plans to reinvest the profit she earns in her business to help it grow.

She will repay the ‘social interest’ on her loan by volunteering two and half hours per week as a Camfed Peer Educator, leading life skills sessions for students at local schools, covering topics such as gender, reproductive rights, and choosing a career path. She also intends to donate some of her products (soap) to school children and vulnerable people in nearby communities.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details