A loan helped to buy more tables and chairs as well as a diversify menus to increase income.

Huong's story

Mrs Huong is 40 years old and is a mother of 2 children. Her dream is to live a full life for her two children. She is a good cook. The local breakfasts she offers are delicious. She has opened a small breakfast bar to cater to the needs of the people near her home. The food menu consists of noodle dishes.

The restaurant is more and more crowded and she wants to buy more tables and chairs as well as a diversify menus to increase income, thereby improving the quality of family life. That is why she is asking for a loan from Kiva.

She is thankful your help and she promises to repay the loan monthly.

This loan is special because:

It empowers female entrepreneurs living in remote rural communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details