Liliana is 41 years old and has 2 minor children and 1 who is adult, a university student. Two years ago the Alfa Group was formed with 8 people who lived in the Carabayllo district. Liliana's companions recently elected her president of the group's directive committee.
Liliana dedicates herself to her natural and artificial flower-arranging business. She works on the basis of orders. Previously, she rented a stand but when her minor child contracted asthma, Liliana had to move the business to her house, to be able to work and take care of her daughter. Liliana's work has enabled her to contribute, along with her husband, to paying family expenses, and above all, to help her daughter in her studies.
Liliana's next goal is to be able to open a store in a much more commercial zone. The requested loan will be invested in purchasing supplies and materials for preparing her flower arrangements.
In this group: Liliana, Rut Amerida, Mary Rosa, Victoria, Cynthia Jackelin, Gianina Milagros, Luz America, Liliana, Maria Del Carmen
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Harold Dana Sims, PhD. View original language description.