A loan helped purchasing hairpieces and hairdresser's supplies.

Christelle Mireille's story

Christelle Mireille J. was born on February 15, 1970 in Parakou, in the Norht of Benin. She is married to Medard Kpadanou and is the mother of one child who attends school. Christelle Mireille lives with her family in the Kpondehou district in Cotonou, the economic capital of Benin. She has been living with in this district for eight years. The couple takes care of the family expenses jointly. Christelle Mireille left school at the secondary level, and later learned the hairdresser’s trade. In addition to practicing this trade, for which she has a passion, Christelle Mireille also sells hairpieces and accessories in her salon in Kopdehou. She stocks up in Nigeria and in Lome in Togo, the two countries neighboring Benin. Christelle Mireille has been in this line of business for about 15 years and had previous obtained a loan from ALIDé; the loan was duly repaid. Facing the growing increase in her customers' number, Christelle Mireille would like to increase the stock of her products in order to achieve a higher income and be better able to put aside some money as savings. This is what makes her seek another loan. At some future point, she would like to purchase her own land plot.

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Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

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