A loan helped a member to buy an electric mixer, sugar, flour, food coloring, and other ingredients for baking cakes.

Las Triunfadoras Group's story

The “Las Triunfadoras” ("The Winners") Group is in its sixth cycle of the Women's Group Program in the city of Roque Alonso. Each of the members works in a different activity, but they get together regularly to complete various activities as a group.

One of the group's members is Ms. Nancy, who works as a confectioner. She makes cakes for children's parties, quinceañeras, weddings, and other events. Nancy studied for a good amount of time in order to become a pastry baker. She works according to the orders she receives from her customers, with the weekends much busier than other days. She can receive 3 or 4 cake orders for a weekend.

She is requesting this loan to purchase an electric mixer, as it would be very useful in her work. She would also like to buy certain ingredients for her cakes, such as special flours, sugar, food coloring, and other ingredients.

In this group: Nancy, Diana, Silvia, Ceferina, Maria, Elena, Eugenia, Maxima, Concepcion, Marilina, Jorgelina, Gladyz, Mirta, Teresa, Antonia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Katie Kavanagh.

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