A loan helped to buy brown pandanus for her weaving, and also to start an additional business.

Mele's story

This 37-year-old mother's name is Mele. She has three children who are all in school, and her husband is a farmer.

Mele currently runs a weaving business, where she weaves taovala putu only - a type of taovala that is worn to funerals only. She weaves on her own at home, and only when she needs helps does she hire someone, but according to her, her business is enough for her only. She uses light brown pandanus to weave this sort of taovala, together with black pandanus for striping the taovala. Her husband is her main helper with her business. He helps with preparing the pandanus by making it ready for weaving. Her business is the primary source of income for their little family.

Mele is applying for a loan with the idea of buying enough pandanus for her weaving, and also to start an additional business. She is thinking of running a barbeque business along the main road in town. She dreams of a good and prosperous future for her children.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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