A loan helped to purchase retail goods to stock up her shop and better provide for her customers.

Rehab's story

Rehab lives in a rural district which is located about a 15-minute drive from Port Vila city. Her community is very small, and the main industry is food. As Vanuatu has also been affected by Covid-19, a lot of employment has been terminated, making it hard at times for one to earn a steady income. Rehab is 48 years of age and is happily married to her husband who is a bus driver. She has six children who are all grown up and no longer in school. She lives with her husband and a few of her children in their own shanty home.

Rehab has asked for a loan so she can purchase retail goods so she can stock up her shop to better provide for her valuable customers. She also sews dresses to sell, which is an extra income for her family. She has been sewing since the early 80's, which has supported her family financially.

With the revenue earned, she will pay for a piece of land to build her family a permanent house. This is Rehab's fourth loan with South Pacific Business Development (Vanuatu) Ltd. She successfully repaid her previous loans on time. Through her loans, Rehab is empowered to expand her business and become a prosperous businesswoman.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details