A loan helped a member to purchase clothing and fish in order to start selling and to offer customers quality products at affordable prices.

Las Luchadoras De Luz Divina Ii Etapa Group's story

The "Luchadoras de Luz Divina II Etapa" communal bank is in its first lending cycle. The communal bank is made up of ten members and lead by Arleth, who is the group's president. She leads the communal bank along with the secretary and the treasurer of "Las Luchadoras de Luz Divina II Etapa." As you can see in the above photograph, due to issues related to the pandemic, only the Board of Directors is in the photo.

Arleth is a hard-working woman. She is enterprising, loving and very humble. She is 27 years old and has three young children who are 9,6 and 3. For more than three years, Arleth has earned her living selling clothing. She generates additional income by selling fish. Her goal is to open a clothing shop so she can improve her monthly income. Her husband is very supportive of her. He earns his living driving people in his moto-trike. He works very hard. For both of them, their greatest motivation is their children.

Arleth is requesting this loan through Kiva so she can purchase clothing and fish. She wants to start selling and to offer her customers quality products at affordable prices.

In this group: Jose Pasion, Arleth Dayana, Marcebi, Keila Maria, Luz Angelica, Jessica Vanesa, Jorge Esnelio, Azucena, Danesa Wiorela, Isabel

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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