A loan helped to buy a computer.

Christopher Jeanpier's story

Christopher Jeanpier is 19 years old, single, and studying the third semester of Dentistry at a local university. He lives with his parents in the city of Manta, a place of beautiful beaches and a very diverse gastronomy, which has also been very affected by the pandemic caused by Covid-19.

He is a very responsible young man who, despite the difficulties, tries to continue and although everything has been made more difficult by the pandemic, he continues hoping for a better future. He sells clothing in order to pay for his studies. But at present moment his studies require the use of a computer since now his studies are by videoconference, and he requires the help of loan to buy a computer that will allow him to continue studying.

This loan is to buy a computer. He hopes very soon to be a professional and practice his profession.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

This loan is special because:

It helps low income students continue their studies during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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