A loan helped to purchase more pandanus for her weaving and also pay three women to weave for her.

Sela's story

Meet Sela. She is 47 years old, married and has seven children. They live in their own home in the Eastern area of Tongatapu. Her four youngest are still in high school, and Sela pays for their school fees with the money she earns from her weaving.

She aims to use this loan money to purchase more pandanus [raw material used for weaving] and also pay three other women to weave for her. She receives random customers through social media because she advertises her weaving there. She sells her taovala [an article of native clothing], mats and fihu [traditional mats] through social media, local markets and also overseas.

She and her husband plan on expanding their house, for their children are growing up and the house is small for them to fit in. Sela is one of the hardworking mother at the center who shares her benefits with other women.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

Loan details

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