A loan helped a member to buy raw materials to make food and various flavors of ice cream.

Kokuere Poty Group's story

The Kokuere Poty group is in its 7th cycle of the Woman's Committee Program. They set a goal of growing, not only financially but as people, so they can help their families.

One of them is Magdalena, who sells food and ice cream. Her business is humble, but she seeks a way to improve it little by little. That is why she is working very hard to achieve this. She is an enterprising person who, with much sacrifice, is seeking a way to help her family.

She is asking for a loan to buy raw materials to make food and various flavors of ice cream. This way, she can continue with her sales, as she has been been doing.

Note: Only one person appears in the photo, but this is a group loan. A group photo wasn't possible because they were avoiding the gathering of people due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Magdalena, Lourdes, Inocencia, Odina, Maria, Lilian, Basilia, Juana, Maria, Eva, Elvira, Blasia, Catalina, Eulalia, Casilda, Alejandrina, Sara, Delfina, Maria, Nilda, Blanca

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details