A loan helped for Styrofoam, glue and locale rent.

Lucinda Maria's story

Lucinda, 52, lives in El Guasmo, Guayaquil, an urban area whose inhabitants are mostly low-income. She makes handicrafts with Styrofoam and paper.

She started out long ago as an apprentice but eventually turned it into her main source of income. She has gradually acquired regular customers through her efforts and now sells so much that she has turned her house into a store for her crafts. One of her daughters helps her sell the crafts she makes.

She makes drawings, caricatures, dolls, crafts, etc. But, in order to be able to continue with her business, she wants to use the loan to buy Styrofoam and glue and use another part of it to rent a space for her store.

In the future, she would like to have a large crafts store and continue with her business.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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