A loan helped to buy supplies for her business.

Nely Patricia's story

Nely is very hard-working and dedicated to her business. She owns the house she lives in, which is where her shop is located.
Nely is a seamstress, she makes curtains, comforters, and sheets. Her customers are very happy with her products. She has been in business for a long time.
Nely is very responsible when it comes to money.
She asks for a loan to invest in her business in order to make it grow and sell more. She needs to buy scissors, needles, coloured threads, plaster, etc. to cover her order.
She is very grateful for support in these hard times. Her dream is to see the pandemic come to an end so that her business can grow.

Choluteca // Honduras
January 2021.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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