A loan helped our business obtain a mobile café, needed equipment, and fund our marketing plan.

Brandon's story

This isn't just the story of one person but two people, a father (Doug) and son (Brandon) duo, who shared a passion for working hard, being entrepreneurs, and good coffee. Being as we didn't have a strong local coffee culture, we decided to bring good coffee to others by starting our coffee roasting company Fuzzy Monkey Coffee Co. LLC, and eventually its sister company Simian Tea.

Doug is a military veteran with decades of public service and I am a former public servant turned full entrepreneur. Doug’s technical computer background has allowed us to be a step ahead when it comes to our website, back end programs, and other pieces of technology that help our business on a daily basis. My technical computer background is coupled with 15 years of customer service experience, helping him excel in areas such as sales, accounts acquisition, and social media marketing. When it comes to coffee we both share a love and passion in search of that perfect “Cup O’ Joe”, while ensuring we are sourcing our coffee beans ethically by knowing the farmers are getting their fair share of the profits, being environmentally aware including the use of biodegradable cups and recyclable K-Cups, and supporting various organization such as Rainforest Alliance, Cafe Feminino, One For The World, and Save The Golden Lion.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details

About Fuzzy Monkey Coffee Co.

Industry: Food
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: fuzzymonkeycoffee.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details