A loan helped a member to buy fresh fish for resale.

01_Gpf Takku Liggey Escale Group's story

This group is composed of 13 good women who live in the same neighborhood. They are good neighbors and support each other. Their main business is trade.
Madam Arame, 51, the group's representative, is at the right of the picture with her hand raised. She is married and the mother of six children, including one boy. Madam Arame runs a fresh fish business. She buys her stock on the city wharves of Mboro and other locations and sells her merchandise in neighboring towns. She has 11 years of experience in this field.
With her loan, she will buy crates of fresh fish wholesale and sell them with a profit margin. Her business is doing well.
She plans to use her profits to increase her savings and help her husband cover her family's expenses and the children's education.

In this group: Arame, Bakary, Oumou, Ngouye Fama, Déguène, Daba, Marie, Amy, Arame, Sokhna, Nogaye, Coumba, Fatou

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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