A loan helped to purchase seed, fertilizer and pesticide and pay for plowing.

Phai's story

Mr. Phai U. (pictured with his wife), is 56 years old and his wife, Mrs. Kimheng Kong, is 50 years old. They live along National Road Number One about eighteen kilometers from Phnom Penh, married in 1979, and have eight children: three sons and five daughters. Three of them are garment factory workers, one assists his father in their farming business, and four attend school.

Phai has been a farmer for 17 years; he grows eggplant and melons on his farmland in the village. His wife has been selling vegetable for two years. Phai does not have enough capital to purchase seed, fertilizer and pesticide to maintain his farm and pay for plowing fees.

Hence he is asking for a loan in the amount of 1,200 USD as additional working capital.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details