A loan helped to plant three "manzanas" [about six acres] of cabbage.

Zobeida's story

Zobeida is married and the mother of two children. She works as a primary school teacher in the community where she lives.

In addition to her profession as a teacher, she invests in growing vegetables. She has several years' experience in managing crops. Her husband supports her in this work providing labor. She will use the working capital to buy supplies and fertilizers during the planting season.

She requests a loan to tend to the cultivation of three "manzanas" of cabbage. She will buy 20 quintals of fertilizers and supplies.

She has invested the profits from previous harvests in improving the infrastructure of her house.

Her desire is to continue increasing her assets, and also her family's income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers to diversify, and thus stabilize, their families' sources of income.

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