A loan helped to buy 140 kg of cassava, 70 kg of corn, and 70 kg of rice bran to feed his pigs.

Solofo's story

Solofo, age 38, is the head of his household. He is married with three children, and they live in their own home in a rural village.
He has bred pigs for ten years. He also grows other field crops. The two provide support for his family's well-being. He recently reached out to Vahatra for a loan. With this partnership, he can increase his financial capital.
He owns a few pigs, and wishes to increase their diet and fatten them so he can make a greater profit. He has come to lenders to help him to buy 140 kg of cassava, 70 kg of corn, and 70 kg of rice bran to feed his pigs. He will save up his profits, and in the future plans to buy zebus [cattle native to Madagascar] and a cart.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Rima Kaboul.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

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