A loan helped purchase chemicals and fertilizer to fumigate and fertilize their tomato and pepper plants; this will help them improve their income.

Martha Georgina's story

Martha is a very hard-working woman who works with her husband to try to improve their income. A few years ago, they put up a small general store in their home and have continued to increase their inventory. She also helps her husband with the harvest on their land where they grow tomatoes and sweet peppers.

The plants are growing but they need to fertilize it so it can grow better. Her previous loan was used to buy products for her store, but this loan will be invested in chemicals and fertilizers to improve their harvest and be able to sell more tomatoes.

What they hope for now is to be able to improve their home and provide for their son since prices have gone up in the country; many have lost their crops due to bad storms. They hope they will be able to have a good harvest in order to earn more money.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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