A loan helped make healthcare and wellness more accessible in rural areas.

Giscard's story

My name is Giscard Roland Minlend , and I grew up in an environment where people died from preventative ailments either because they didn't know what to do or they lacked affordable access to a hospital or a clinic. I used to live with my parents a few miles away from the main city and almost every week someone in our neighborhood died from malaria or a chronic disease. The thought of losing people I loved and that we could not help them haunted me for years. So when I was given the chance by God to come to America and study,

I wanted to give a new meaning to my life and create something that will make a difference and add value to people's lives. For me, he only to do it was through technology and healthcare, and so I started ED GLOBAL TELEHEALTH LLC. We want to save lives by making healthcare and wellness more accessible in underserved rural and urban communities.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details


Industry: Health
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: edglobal-telehealth.org

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details