A loan helped hire the people in my community that I need to help me create customers out of community colleges.

Justin's story

I am a skilled software producer and systems engineer, but I have always felt there is a gap between what I am able to produce and the people I am able to serve.

I started my company to forge a bridge between technical production and creative innovation in the consumer space. After four years of product development and market testing, I am now ready to bring my first wide-use commercial product to market.

My goal is to work with community colleges to offer solutions to students to help them take better notes and create lasting memories with a combination of ink, paper, software, and mobile hardware. Helping students and young artists is just one way I plan to bring new opportunities to a less technical community.

This loan is special because:

It helps the business continue to grow and hire people in its community.

Loan details

About Creative Cretin, LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: cretin.co


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details