A loan helped a single father owned business provide affordable mental health services in new and innovative ways.

Vance's story

I have a BS from Regis University and I am currently in my internship with Colorado State University to gain my Masters in Addiction Counseling. I am a Registered Psychotherapist in Colorado (NLC.0110647) and I practice under the supervision of a Colorado Licensed Addiction Counselor. I use my education, experiences, and my personal recovery story to help others live a better life.

I am an alcoholic in recovery for almost 4 years. I am now living the best life I could imagine and I want to share what I have found with as many people suffering from addictions and mental health issues as possible. I believe there is a wonderful person behind every addiction story and I am working locally and at the legislative level to help provide help.

This loan is special because:

It supports a starting entrepreneur to create their dream business.

Loan details

About Waypoint 58 Incorporated

Industry: Health
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: waypoint58.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details