A loan helped a member to stock up on vegetables, including cassava, amaranth, spinach, beans, etc. which will reinforce her initial capital.

Plamedi Group's story

Madame Jeanine is a client of Hekima and the leader of the Plamedi Group. She is 45 years old and married. Seven of her nine children are school-age, and she is responsible for the other two as well. Her partner is a teacher.

Madame Jeanine is a vendor of vegetables; she has over 10 years of experience in this sector. She began her business with the financial backing of her father, and later partnered with Hekima in order to support her business, which has developed well.

With this loan, Madame Jeanine plans to stock up on vegetables, including cassava, amaranth, spinach, beans, etc. This will allow her to reinforce her initial capital. The main difficulty faced by Madame Jeanine's business is police harassment.

Madame Jeanine's dream is that her children can continue their education, and that she can pay her rent.

Finally, Madam Jeanine would like to thank Hekima and its partners for the support they bring to non-bankable small business owners in the context of the global Covid-19 crisis. In order to maintain social distancing measures, only the group leader is photographed at this time.

In this group: Jeanine, M'rubangiza, Judith, Fiston, Balangaliza, Esperence, Innocent, Jean Marie, Dercila, Esperance, Jeanne, Concilia, Migabo, Yvette

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Rebecca Smith.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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