A loan helped a member purchase of raw materials.

Grano De Oro Group's story

Every two weeks, the Asociación Comunal Grano de Oro (Golden Bean Communal Association) meets in one of Pro Mujer Cascada’s community centers. This will be the Association’s first loan with the Pro Mujer family. Its president is Angela C., age 32, married and the mother of four children.

For two years, Angela has been engaged in making clothing. She has a small workshop in her home, located in the Villa Mercedes section of the city of El Alto.

She needs the loan for the purchase of raw materials and to continue operating her business. The rest of her colleagues have their own sales, service and production businesses. They all need the loan in order to improve their businesses.

In this group: Angela, Sonia Reyna, Ruth, Feliza, Lucia, Vanesa, Monica Gladys, Ruth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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