A loan helped to buy candy, sodas, canned products, juices, meat, poultry, bread and other products to improve sales.

Bladimir's story

Mr. Bladimir is the father of two kids, he is dedicated to work, he is an accountant, and worked on his profession for several years and with his severance he started his own business, a grocery store in which he and his wife work in order to improve their service and help each other to improve their kids' future.
They open their business early in the morning to start selling soon, although sales are not always good, some days are better than others.
This is why he tries to diversify products for his clients, and move more his capital, with this loan he will be able to increase products like: candy, sodas, canned products, juices, meat, poultry, bread and others that sell day by day.
These loans have been very beneficial to him, because he has been able to balance his business, increasing sales and improving his profit.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Nina Delgado.

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