A loan helped to buy trousers, blouses, T-shirts, dresses, and children’s clothes.

Indhira Mayanni's story

Indhira Mayanni is 24 years old, single, and studying Medicine at a university in Manta. She lives at her parents’ house in the canton of Montecristi, which is known for its rich pre-colonial culture and its handicrafts. This canton was severely hit by the crisis caused by COVID-19.

Indhira Mayanni is a hardworking young woman who does what she can to earn income to cover her educational expenses and help her parents. With things getting very bad with the pandemic, this is now more important than ever. Indhira Mayanni sells clothes from her home and through social networks. Her sales had been low, but now she is going out to improve her sales and her earnings. She hopes to continue forward with the help of the loans to finance her business.

This loan will be used to buy trousers, blouses, T-shirts, dresses, and children’s clothes.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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