A loan helped purchase sewing machines & sewing machine parts.

Carlos Alberto's story

Carlos Alberto P. G. is 43 years old and resides in the town of Cojutepeque, which is in the Department of Cuscatlán. He has a workshop where he repairs sewing machines and sells all types of related parts. Carlos Alberto is a responsible gentleman who is a good provider to his household. He lives with his wife, who is in charge of the household duties, and their 16 year old daughter who is in high school.

His business is located at the municipal market in Cojutepeque. Carlos Alberto works Monday through Sunday repairing the machines of his customers. He is requesting a loan so that he can buy sewing machines wholesale as well as parts such as bobbins, belts, hooks, and other items so that he has everything required to perform his work and attract more customers. This will allow him to increase his income so that he can provide everything his wife and daughter needs. Carlos is a hard worker who is dedicated to providing his family the best.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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