A loan helped a member strengthen and better develop business activities of the cooperative group.

Sope Seringe Saliou Group's story

The “SOPE SERIGNE SALIOU” cooperative group was created in 2007, on the inauguration of the Banc Villageois. It is made up of twelve women, all from the same village and mothers of at least three children. Not all from the same generation, they range in age from 25 to 65. This age difference does not interfere at all in the functioning of their group—on the contrary, it makes for a complimentary exchange of ideas and suggestions. The main activity of the group is livestock, fattening sheep and cows for resale in weekly markets in surrounding villages. Mrs. Fatou S. is missing from the photo due to caregiving obligations for a sick person on the day the photo was taken.

The president of the cooperative group, Mrs. Téning Mignane N. (standing at the right of the photo in the second row) is 48 years old, married and the mother of 8 children in her care. In addition, she is guardian to 7 other children of relatives and friends. She fattens cows and sheep, and is very experienced in this area after more than a decade in the business. With her new loan she will purchase more animals to make more profit and improve living conditions for her family.

In this group: Tening Mignane, Woly, Thiare, Dib, Diakher, Maty, Sokhna, Fatou, Sokhna, Mously, Fatou, Mously

Translated from French.

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