“Zapatito Veloz” (Nimble Little Shoe) is a group of 11 members (10 women and one man) who attend their meetings at the Collpani Community Center. They formed a group because they wanted to improve and expand their businesses, as well as access a loan that could benefit all of them.
One of the members is Felipa P.. She joined the group because she was invited by her friends and needed money to expand her business. Felipa has been manufacturing clothing for 20 years. She started her business with her husband and it improved as her family kept growing. At the moment, Felipa needs a loan to buy fabric so that she can continue making her products. She also has the support of her two young daughters.
The other members have different businesses in the retail, manufacturing, and service sectors. They all need this loan to improve their businesses.
The photo includes the husband of one of the borrowers; another group member was not present for the photo.
In this group: Felipa, Gaby, Margarita, Cleofe, Antonia, Graciela, Jovita Feliza, Julia, Marisol, Silvia, Maria Elena

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.