Luis Miguel is 21 years old, single, and lives with his parents in the agricultural district of Cayalti, which is experiencing business growth. It is located an hour from the city of Chiclayo.
For a year, he has offered transportation on a “motor-taxi,” which consists of a motorcycle with a cabin to transport cargo and passengers. He offers his services in the district where he lives, and also in the housing projects and adjacent areas. He also works as a day laborer in an agricultural company in the area. He divides his time between these two jobs, and uses the income earned to cover personal expenses and help his family with daily expenses.
Constant use of his vehicle has caused it to suffer mechanical failures, which require repairs for proper operation. To repair his vehicle, he has requested a loan of 1,000 new soles from Edpyme Alternativa.
Luis Miguel is a reliable, hard-working young man. His greatest desire is to continue working to help his family and get ahead. He has worked with our institution previously, and has shown himself to be punctual and responsible when making his payments.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.