A loan helped to get better healthcare for his family.

Dauda's story

Following Dauda's initial loan request, he is delighted on the prospects this year's harvest holds. As a hardworking farmer, Dauda has the ambition to provide his family with better healthcare from the profits from farming. As a member of Babban Gona, Dauda has access to enhanced farming services which help to increase his yields. Furthermore, through training programs, Dauda now practices farming in a more sustainable manner. For example, the agronomy education Ismail receives focuses on micro-dosing fertilizers to lessen environmental impact and increase yields. Dauda expects to reap 40 bags/hectare of maize from this year's harvest, more than double the national Nigerian average of 18 bags/hectare. Through this loan, known as a harvest advance loan, Dauda will receive a cash advance, equal to the price of his maize, that allows him to get better healthcare for his family while Babban Gona stores his maize to sell in the future at a better price. Babban Gona will then help Dauda to store his maize and sell it at a higher price over the next 6 to 9 months, guaranteeing higher returns.

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers and helps them increase yields.

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