A loan helped a member to buy animal feed, fertilizer, and more animals.

La Segunda Rosa Group's story

This photo was taken in the house of Sra. Ángela del Carmen S., president of the Segunda Rosa group which is located in the state of Puebla, Mexico. In the photo the members of the group can be seen as well as decorations typical of the town.

Ángela raises sheep and also sells the corn which she and her husband grow. She believes that there’s no better work than farming and raising livestock. She knows it is difficult to ask for a loan at this time given her economic situation and age, so she is grateful that the money will be granted to her.

Ángela is 66 years old, married, and has no education. She has nine children (five sons and four daughters), only one of whom is still dependent on her as he is a student.

The loan she is asking for will be used to buy animal feed, fertilizer, and more animals to raise and sell. She also hopes that with the profits she will be able to continue helping her son with his studies and continue being a productive member of society.

The group is comprised of the following ten members:
María Luisa P (clothing S.)

Mercedes R. (clothing S.)

Teresa M. (corn S.)

Felipa Josefina L. (tortilla S.)

Laura Vianeis R. (breakfast S.)

María Noelia V. (shoe S.)

Lidia Silvia T. (tortilla S.)

Ventura G. (industrial waste S.)

In this group: Angela Del Carmen, Gudelia Beatriz, Felipa Josefina, Laura Vianeis, Maria Noelia, Maria Luisa, Mercedes, Teresa, Lidia Silvia, Ventura

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

Loan details

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Loan details