A loan helped a member to expand her business.

06 Luchadoras De La Vida Group's story

The communal bank “06 Luchadoras de la Vida”, part of the Santiago II agency, includes nine members who are friends. It is run by a board of directors, with Patricia as president.

The loan that they will take will benefit micro-entrepreneurs with which Patricia is associated. She has a business selling jackets. She says that she opened this business on her own initiative 24 years ago. The loan will be used to increase capital to purchase jackets in bulk from the wholesale vendors in the city of El Alto. Then she will sell them in her sales space.

This method of working permits her to generate income to support her family financially. She is in a common law relationship and has three children. She hopes to expand her business and that her children will become professionals.

Note: There are only three people in the photo due to the Covid-19 health emergency. A group photo was not taken to avoid gathering people.

In this group: Cesar, Beatriz Betty, Catalina, Edber, Patricia, Edwin Calixto, Ruth Angela, Adriana Lizeth, Anais Magdalena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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