Reynalda is married and has 7 children. Reynalda belongs to the communal bank Rosalinda D. Constancia where she serves as chairperson of the board; it is located in Huancavelica, a sub district of Constancia. Reynalda used to sell potatoes but thanks to her savings and loans she now buys and sells livestock such as: cows, bulls, horses, etc., which generates higher income. Reynalda requires a new loan to purchase cows and larger animals, which will increase her current business even more. In thinking about her future and her family's future, Reynalda would like to initiate another business like the purchase of grains and cereals so her earnings and her savings can be put towards her children's education.
In this group: Prudencia, Reynalda, Rosa, Demetria, Lidia, Andres, Basilisa, Elsa, Eydee Bertha, Maria, Maximiliana, Saturnina, Maria, Delia, Antonia
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.