A loan helped purchase of chicken feed, soft drinks, sweets, sugar, rice, coffee, beans, toritllas, bread, cookies, toilet paper, soups, juicies, milk, cheese, butter, and cooking oil.

Carmen Luz's story

Señora Carmen Luz E. B., age 60, is married to Señor Pantaleon Flores, who works as a mason. She helps with the household expenses. They have a daughter studying at university.

For 16 years, Carmen Luz has worked running a small grocery store and in raising and selling chickens. She will use the loan to purchase chicken feed since her chicken production is increasing and requires a greater investment in feed. She will also buy merchandise for her grocery store. Carmen lives in a beautiful house, and her chicken farm is well established. Her wish is that her youngest daughter graduates from university.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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