A loan helped purchase supplies & equipment for his business.

Jair Amado's story

In a neighborhood of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia’s Caribbean city, Jair Amado González Mebarack is the young owner of a fast food business called “Rapi Club”. He happily prepares the most delicious fast food such as hot dogs, hamburgers, “salchipapas” (sausages and fried potatoes), and combination specials of sausages and meats served with sauces and seasonings he makes himself based on the taste of his customers.

Jair started his business five years ago when he turned 21. He received a portable oven and a hot dog cart, both of which were small enough to store in the garage of his house. Jair prepared and sold simple products, but through hard work and discipline, his business grew rapidly. For this reason, he had to move to a large location in a recognized area. He had great expectations, so he acquired an oven and a larger hot dog cart so that he could become established and now he is well-known. What stands out most about Jair is the great support he has received from his family and he expects it will remain that way. He works with his brother and his goal is to continue supporting his parents and one day start his own family.

This is his first loan with Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. He will invest the proceeds in supplies and fixed assets such as a chicken roaster, a hot dog cart with a canopy, and a chicken warming compartment. Young Jair dreams of positioning his business in the city of Cartagena, becoming one of the largest fast food establishments, and providing better service to his customers by offering them quality products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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