A loan helped to purchase a variety of sweet delicacies for additional products as well as to repair her tricycle.

Merlinda's story

Merlinda C. is a 44-year-old active member of ASHI. As a matter of fact, she has been a member for thirteen years now and is one of the very good ones in terms of repayment, attendance at weekly center meetings and in maintaining the business she started using the first loan she received.

Merlinda obtained her loans to finance the sustainability of her business of creating sweet delicacies for “pasalubong” (a Tagalog word meaning "keepsake" or "presents". It is a souvenir brought for loved ones or friends.) - which is a part of typical Filipino culture.

The proceeds Merlinda made from her business enabled her to purchase a tricycle (motorcycle with sidecar) for a transportation business managed by her husband. Her four children have been able to obtain their immediate needs because of the income generated by Merlinda and her husband.

Now, Merlinda works harder to increase her profit by growing her business as well as maintaining the business of her husband to support the education of her two youngest children who are in high school and college until they earn a degree and have a better career. She hopes they do not follow the footsteps of their two elder siblings who have not finished their college education and became a tricycle driver and a contract-based sales lady in one of the stores in town instead.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details