A loan helped a member to purchase food ingredients in bulk.

Felicity Trust Bank Group's story

Felicity is a lovely and hard-working woman. She is married to a commercial driver and together they have three children. She is now thirty-three years old. Felicity lives together with her family in a rented apartment at Sunyani, where she also has her business. She is able to provide support to her family’s financial needs through the sale of “banku”. Banku is one of the Ghanaian favorite local dishes that are rich in carbohydrates. It is prepared with corn dough and some amount of cassava dough, cooked between 1-2 hours and eaten with either palm nut or peanut soup. It can also be enjoyed with ground pepper and tomatoes and tilapia. Banku is known throughout all the tribes in Ghana and commonly sold in street stalls.

Selling for the past 15 years, Felicity has made quite a number of faithful customers through good customer relations. She plans to invest the loan to purchase maize, meat, groundnuts and other food ingredients to improve her food quality.

Felicity is currently the leader of a trust bank group called 'Felicity', named after the leader and made up of nine members. The other members are also engaged in petty trading and food processing businesses.

In this group: Gladys, Ruth, Helena, Joyce, Abena, Georgina, Janet, Agartha, Felicity

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details