A loan helped a member to buy different color threads to craft embroidery.

Dúo Los Yas I Group's story

Maria Eugenia, the leader of the duo, began her machine embroidery business when she was only 15 years old, making aprons, shirts, and traditional clothing. Needing to help out at home, lead her to look for a job, which transformed into a skill and passion leading to her success and dreaming big. With her father's support, they purchased her first sewing machine to begin working from home.

Thanks to her punctuality and quality work, Maria Eugenia has been in business for over 20 years, has been able to purchase several sewing machines, and has her own employees. Maria Eugenia makes custom orders; the loan which she is applying for will be to invest in multiple colors of spools of thread and traditional clothing, to then embroider.

Maria Eugenia feels very satisfied that her employees are going above and beyond. Despite the current pandemic, they have not stopped working. She has opted for a new work pattern for both herself and her employees. She wants to expand into new markets to increase her orders and employ more staff, while making a profit herself.

In this group: Rafaela Cristobalina, Maria Eugenia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

The Field Partner is a leader in women's empowerment in Guatemala.

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